Repost Series #6: Is That Really True? We Investigate Common Beauty Myths

“I’m trying to wash my hair less so it stops being so greasy.” “Don’t put makeup on that zit, it’s gonna make it worse!” “Once you shave it, it grows back twice as thick.” Persistent and timeless, passed down from generation to generation, beauty myths dictate lots of our daily beauty routines. We’ve all heardContinue reading “Repost Series #6: Is That Really True? We Investigate Common Beauty Myths”

Which Shines the Most?

I admit I don’t have that shiny, beautiful hair you see on TV or Commercial Ads. Years ago,as Christmas I always undergo Rebonding. But since my hair as years go by became fine and breaks easily I stopped opting for it. I just go for conditioner or hair serum as what I’ll be reviewing today.Continue reading “Which Shines the Most?”

The Pink Blush

a journey towards unravelling the world of makeup and fashion

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